Junsong Fan



I am currently an Assistant Professor at the Centre for Artificial Intelligence and Robotics, Hong Kong Institute of Science & Innovation, Chinese Academy of Sciences (CAIR, HKISI_CAS). Before that, I received my B.E. degree from the School of Automation Science and Electrical Engineering at Beihang University in 2016, and received my Ph.D. degree at the Center of Research on Intelligent Perception and Computing, Institute of Automation, Chinese Academy of Sciences, under the supervision of Prof. Tieniu Tan and Prof. Zhaoxiang Zhang. My research interests include computer vision and machine learning. Specifically, I am curious about open problems in scene understanding, self-supervised concept discovery, and multi-modal perception in open worlds.

selected publications

  1. droppos-2023.jpg
    DropPos: Pre-Training Vision Transformers by Reconstructing Dropped Positions
    Haochen Wang, Junsong Fan, Yuxi Wang, and 3 more authors
    NeurIPS, 2023
  2. hpm-2023.jpg
    Hard Patches Mining for Masked Image Modeling
    Haochen Wang, Kaiyou Song, Junsong Fan, and 3 more authors
    In CVPR, 2023
  3. pwsss-2023.jpg
    Toward Practical Weakly Supervised Semantic Segmentation via Point-Level Supervision
    Junsong Fan, and Zhaoxiang Zhang
    IJCV, 2023
  4. psps-2022.jpg
    Pointly-Supervised Panoptic Segmentation
    Junsong Fan, Zhaoxiang Zhang, and Tieniu Tan
    In ECCV, 2022
  5. mcic-2022.jpg
    Memory-Based Cross-Image Contexts for Weakly Supervised Semantic Segmentation
    Junsong Fan, and Zhaoxiang Zhang
    IEEE T-PAMI, 2022
  6. pc-2022.jpg
    Self-Supervised Predictive Learning: A Negative-Free Method for Sound Source Localization in Visual Scenes
    Zengjie Song, Yuxi Wang, Junsong Fan, and 2 more authors
    In CVPR, 2022
  7. noc-2022.jpg
    Towards Noiseless Object Contours for Weakly Supervised Semantic Segmentation
    Jing Li, Junsong Fan, and Zhaoxiang Zhang
    In CVPR, 2022
  8. icd-2020.jpg
    Learning Integral Objects with Intra-Class Discriminator for Weakly-Supervised Semantic Segmentation
    Junsong Fan, Zhaoxiang Zhang, Chunfeng Song, and 1 more author
    In CVPR, 2020
  9. cian-2020.jpg
    CIAN: Cross-Image Affinity Net for Weakly Supervised Semantic Segmentation
    Junsong Fan, Zhaoxiang Zhang, Tieniu Tan, and 2 more authors
    In AAAI, 2020
  10. eme-2020.jpg
    Employing Multi-Estimations for Weakly-Supervised Semantic Segmentation
    Junsong Fan, Zhaoxiang Zhang, and Tieniu Tan
    In ECCV, 2020